We're back!! We are so grateful to have been in Michigan for the summer, but there's no place like home. We love Utah! We love the Mountains, being close to our family, and sleeping in our own bed. What an amazing experience it was to live out of the state though. A few things we've learned are: Blessing ALWAYS come when we are following the Gospel (reading scriptures, morning and evening prayers, keeping the Sabbath day holy), the next thing is, there is always something to laugh and be happy about. We're ALIVE! We are together and we are able to do anything we want in this life. Why would we not be happy?! And people are people no matter where you go. There's always someone to help, someone to love, someone to teach, someone to learn from. There are so many amazing experiences that occur if we just open our mouths and teach.
If Relief Society one Sunday in Michigan our teacher said why would we not open our mouths to talk to others. We think that we will be an annoyance or in their way but "Who are we to take away their agency that God gave them?" It really stuck with me and it's so true. It's their choice to accept or reject and why not give them the opportunity!
We will be starting up school again August 27th. Doug at UVU and Kami at BYU. One more year then we graduate!! Then we will head to Colorado Springs for Doug's Golf School. Life is so great and exciting! I love every second! I love you Doug and thank you for choosing me :) The Church Is True!!