Sunday, January 20, 2013

Give a little bit...

I don't blog as much as I used too. Not because I don't like it, but because I don't make time for it. I've been thinking a lot about life and our missions in life. Every persons mission is so unique and individual. I love that! I love that God made me; he made Doug; he made every single person. He spent time on us and knows us! Many of my friends (girls) are going on missions, I AM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!
   I struggled for a bit, not understanding why I felt like I should get married over going on a mission. I KNEW, my whole life that I would go on a mission, and I didn't. Then I remember the feeling I got when God told me the importance of marriage and that I could marry Doug. I remember the incredible things that we have experienced as a couple. I remember all the people that I have been able to help and be there for in church, school, work, and my family. I remember that MEMBERS ARE MISSIONARIES! I remember that God loves me.
   I love life! I love it so much and I love that I get to choose the life I live. I get to choose my attitude. I get got to choose my spouse! I love him SO MUCH and he chose me. WOW. How eternal.
   Heavenly Father, THANK YOU! Thank you for your daily reminders and tender mercies. I know that you love me and I love you. 

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