Saturday, January 16, 2010

Starting a New thinG!

So here I go trying this new blogging thing. Change and trying new things are so great! What a boring world we would live in if these two things were not part of life. My name is Kami. I am a passionate, committed, Beautiful Woman of Light!!! I am in a class that we learn about who we really are and want to be. This class has changed my life for the better. Sometimes I don't allow it to though. I put up walls often. This is not a good thing. People are sent to us to assist us and help us in life. Why wouldn't I want that sometimes? Balance is also a difficult thing to figure out. Balance between friends, family, school, work, studying, service.... it could go on. Although, as difficult as life is, I don't care. I have chosen The Lord's side. I always have his to help me and lift me when I am down.
I will never back down. I will finish this race that I was sent here to finish, no matter how many times I fall, I WILL GET BACK UP! I will always be true to myself no matter how difficult that may be. I will not allow others to control how I feel or live my life. I have a mission to Accomplish while I am here on the Earth~ IT WILL GET DONE! I will inspirationally love others and myself. "I am the Master of my fate, the captain of my soul!"